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Ateliers explore your flexibility 3

Troisième session de notre série d’ateliers « Explore Your Flexibility » déroulée en quatre sessions et menée par notre professeur Asma Ajana. Cette troisième session a été consacré à l’ouverture des hanches, afin de permettre de faire découvrir les deux différents type de grands écarts. Comme ici: Front split et side split.

Explore your flexibility workshops 4

Fourth and final session of our “Explore Your Flexibility” workshop series led by our teacher Asma Ajana. This third session was dedicated to the opening of the heart and the deep back hyperextension. Review and decomposition of Urdhva Dhanurasana. Use of the wall to bridge down, ending with peak poses like Kapotanasana.

Explore your flexibility workshops 3

Third session of our four-part “Explore Your Flexibility” workshop series led by our teacher Asma Ajana. This third session was devoted to the opening of the hips, in order to allow the discovery of the two different types of large gaps. Like here: Front split and side split.